Applications for the TSF are accepted all year round and considered on a quarterly basis.
To apply for the TSF, the applicant shall complete the Application Form for the TSF. The Application Form is available in Chinese and English, and the applicant is only required to complete it in either language. No application fee will be charged.
- Duly completed and signed Application Form, with a soft copy (in MS Word format);
- Registration documents of the applicant (if applicable) - Business Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Registration of a Society, Certificate of Registration of Trade Union;
- Supplementary information, such as the Articles of Association or Constitution (if applicable), to prove that the applicant is non-profit-distributing in nature; and
- Letter of support from collaborating organisations (if applicable).
The original of the above supporting documents may be required for verification upon request.
The completed Application Form and supporting documents shall be sent to the TSF Secretariat electronically, in person or by post. If the application is submitted electronically, please send the soft copy of the Application Form and the supporting documents with a valid digital signature of the applicant organisation's authorised person supported by a recognised e-cert (Organisational) to the e-mail address: